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How to use the Treepack

The treepack works as follows: You take a tool of your choice in your hand and enter this command:

//schbr trees/TREE_TYPE/TREE_SCALE/*@** -place:bottom -yoff:2

Replace "TREE_TYPE" with, oak, spruce, or birch.
Replace "TREE_SCALE" with, S, M or L i.e. (small, medium or large)

Example: //schbr trees/oak/M/*@** -place:bottom -yoff:2

Then you can right click to place the trees with random order and rotation. If you use two tools, you can even build a mixed forest within a few seconds!


The trees of the challenge have been integrated, i.e. these trees are especially beautiful: oak S/M/L, spruce L and birch M.